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American Savings Foundation Welcomes Scholar as an Intern for the Summer

June 18, 2024

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New Britain, CT - Rising Howard junior Jordan Rosario is excited to explore her interest in business communications through a summer internship opportunity at American Savings Foundation. While pursuing a degree in International Business, Ms. Rosario also makes time to participate in experiences that support her local community, from her work with sustainability programs to volunteer work at her town’s senior center. Jordan is not only a first-generation college student, but she is also the first in her family to attend an HBCU (Historically Black College or University). Jordan has also been an American Savings Foundation Scholar since 2022.

Jordan is now using what she’s learning in business and communications to help the American Savings Foundation this summer as a Social Media and Events Assistant. Ms. Rosario will support the foundation with key communication strategies to help raise awareness of the foundation’s mission and work. This includes creating content that advertises open grant opportunities, as well highlights many of the past American Savings Foundation Scholars. She will also help plan the foundation’s annual scholarship reception this upcoming August. This event will celebrate both incoming scholars and rising seniors and will focus on Mentoring in Higher Education.

Ms. Rosario will be working with other American Savings Foundation Summer Interns to capture the summer internship experience in hopes of encouraging more scholars who may be interested in applying for this unique opportunity.

“As an intern, I am thrilled to dive into the world of philanthropy, where I can immerse myself in the world of business communications and marketing, as well as engage with other ASF Scholars. I am excited to gain valuable insights and have firsthand experiences in this dynamic field.” says Ms. Rosario.

Every year, current ASF scholars are invited and encouraged to apply for a small number of paid summer internship positions with local organizations. Since 2003, over 300 Foundation scholars have participated in a wide range of internships, which provides experience across many majors and career paths.  Since the program’s inception, more than $1.6 million has been awarded to local nonprofit agencies to support internship opportunities for these scholars.

The internship program is just a small part of the American Savings Foundation Scholarship program, which has disbursed over $15 million to 2,940 students. In 2023, the foundation awarded $848,707 in college scholarships to 382 scholars.